Focus Groups

City Budget Planning

To delve into various aspects of the budget, with the purpose of encouraging low taxation and reducing wasteful spending with funds taken from Londoners at this time of economic stress and high inflation. We question possible outside influences such as excess influence from unelected city staff.

City Governance

Is a watchdog group that aims to ensure that the Corporation of the City of London (Ontario) remains a self-governing, democratic city, discerning of outside influences, as well as preserving the interests and uniqueness of London. Our goal is to empower citizens through education on how our city is being governed.

Education - CPAL
Concerned Parents Association London

We are a group of parents, educators and concerned citizens in the London Ontario area who are concerned about the current situation in the public school system. Keep politics out of schools and let kids be kids!

L.E.A.F. - Logical Environmentalists Against Fear
L.E.A.F advocates local efforts that encourage responsible and sensible approaches to our many issues with pollutants of air, water, and soil. LEAF members reject climate alarmism as being harmful to the goal of being environmentally-sensitive citizens.

Sustainable Growers of London

The Sustainable Growers of London is a new group of Londoners wanting to learn skills to grow their own food! We have use of a small greenhouse, and some members with growing experience will lead the others. We want to help people learn how to grow their own food and help offset the cost and food

The focus of the Spiritual group is to learn, grow together and explore the great Mystery; to contribute to individual sovereignty and transparent truthful communities making ourselves and our world a better place.

Elections / Laws / Legal

The Elections/Law/Legal group will attempt to garner the assistance both financially and politically to encourage those amendments that will enhance the rights and freedoms of the population.
Or to thwart/discourage or amend those ideas/laws that suppress our freedoms or rights.
We seek and encourage transparency, morality, and justice for all citizens.

Health & Rights

To insist on basic freedoms as stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights, as well as assorted health privacy laws, some of which the various levels of government may have not fully upheld in recent years. For example, travel restrictions and coercive mandates.