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'North London motel tenants, businesses relieved by homeless hub reversal

Linda Boxall said she screamed with excitement when she learned Monday that she wouldn’t be forced from the north London motel she’s called home for five years by the opening of a homeless hub.

Canadian Mental Health Association Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services ((CMHATV)) announced Monday it is scrapping its plan to open a hub, a centrepiece of a new homelessness system in London, at the Lighthouse Inn at 705 Fanshawe Park Rd. W.

'No place to go': Motel dwellers fear homeless hub will force them out

In an unfortunate paradox, London's groundbreaking plan to tackle its homelessness crisis risks displacing residents of a small inn, who worry they’ll be left homeless themselves.

For five years now, a kitchenette at a north London motel has been Linda Boxall’s safe space.

Called the Lighthouse Inn, the modest motel on Fanshawe Park Road West has been a beacon to longer-term tenants with little money, a lower-cost option in a fast-growing city whose homes and apartments are priced out of reach of many people.

The 1 Million March 4 Children in London was a Huge Success!

Despite what you may have read on the corporate-funded “mainstream” news, we had a beautiful, sunny day for London’s 1MillionMarch4Children protest.

Roughly two thousand people showed up to protest and march for our children. Despite a small counter-protest on the other side of the street, there was no violence. We were pleased to see many London Police Officers standing by to ensure it remained peaceful. We received lots of love from people in passing cars as we marched up Highbury to Oxford and back. Upon returning from the march to our initial protest location (Thames Valley District School Board office), the crowd swelled thanks to the rest of the protestors joining us at the board, having marched from City Hall.

Read more about the march at:

Also, make sure to mark your calendars. We march again on Saturday, October 21st. Watch for details of location and time.

Hubs Proposal Misses The Mark, But the Vote Is "Yes"

The highly-charged issue of the HUBS for homeless people was the topic of this meeting, ending in a YES vote (9 yes, 6 no) to establish a multi-million dollar project that will have...44 beds in total. Will that solve our biggest problem?

Councillor Jerry Pribil clearly rejects the all-or-nothing pricey proposal, near the end of the meeting (4:36 mark) and Councillors Stevenson and Rahman also note specific concerns about the low bed numbers with high costs, compared to the homeless numbers (1:18 and 2:24). Major zoning concerns were also noted. A staffer replies to council questions that they may NOT view the specifics of the

financial details – apparently, they are CONFIDENTIAL (1:26) (but councillors must vote to spend millions?) and notes that they may not make changes to the proposals, it’s a take-it-or-leave-it vote.


Property tax rate would need to rise over 32% for council to achieve its new strategic plan by 2027

Updated April 18, 2023 6:57 a.m. EDT

Published April 18, 2023 6:47 a.m. EDT

Good intentions will soon clash with the financial realities at city hall.

A staff report estimates that if city council wishes to fully implement the strategies in its soon-to-be finalized 2023-2027 Strategic Plan during the upcoming four-year budget period, the property tax rate would have to rise over 8 per cent annually.

“A 32 per cent tax hike [by 2027], I don’t think any member of this council thinks that’s reasonable to ask of Londoners, so we will have to start to prioritize,” Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis told CTV News.

On Monday, council members of the Strategic Priorities and Policies Committee put the finishing touches on its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan which forms the foundation for the upcoming multi-year municipal budget.

Stop sending your homeless people to London

CBC News · Posted: Aug 10, 2023 4:49 PM EDT | Last Updated: August 10

We’ve all heard the rumours- turns out they are true and the Deputy Mayor has a plan.

Hundreds of homeless people have been shipped from other communties — some against their will or under false pretences — in the last six months, the city's deputy mayor alleges, calling for the practice to stop.

The idea that other towns and cities send people here has been a long-running and often-repeated rumour in London, said Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis.

"It has been conjecture and speculation and rumour over the years, but now we are starting to get some hard data," he said.


Attacks on City Councillors Persist

The London Free Press (LFP) is at it again. Using ad-hominem attacks from unnamed activists targeting a city councillor. This time the target is Ward 4 Councillor, Susan Stevenson. This kind of article is NOT journalism and needs to be stopped. City of London citizens deserve non-biased reporting of what’s going on in their city.

Listen to Susan Directly at a city council meeting:

Update on Save our Supplements:

Email your MP and voice your concerns over the blatant disrespect Health Canada is showing to Canadian citizens in trying to eliminate and interfere in our own health choices. For more info, you can refer to the resources below:

To find your MP: en You can also pick up form letters to mail at no cost from Healthy Planet.